Saturday, June 2, 2012

Ford Pickup with us.. almost ready to go.
     Three weeks from Tuesday, we plan to leave for Alaska.  Our drive will take us through British Columbia, Canada, to Dawson Creek, where we will get on the Alaska Highway.  Much preparation has gone into this trip.  We found out in January that we had to reserve the Alaska Ferry System very early to reserve a spot for our pickup on the way home.  Purchasing The Mile Post, gave us a wealth of information for lodging, wildlife viewing, sightseeing, road conditions and more.  Preparation for a trip is half the fun some say, so we are ready to enjoy the rest of the fun and adventure.


  1. Looks like you are all ready to go! This trip sounds amazing!!

  2. Dear friends,

    Sure wish we could share this adventure with you like we did traveling to Yellowstone. Have you read Michener's book "Alaska?" (Have I already asked you this?) It made so many of the Alaska sites come alive for me. Would be a good vacation book, if you have not.


