Wednesday, June 27, 2012

On the way to Dawson Creek

On the road again today.  Three highlights come to mind:  the first, a selfish desire, not necessary, but much appreciated....Starbucks coffee! The first coffee on this trip.  The second highlight: the wildflowers in bloom along the side of the road.  I could not stop to take a photo, but the color palette was one only God could create.  Purples, reds, whites, yellows, times one color was highlighted, then another, and then they formed a mixed bouquet.  I wish I knew all the names, but three of them were wild foxglove, Indian paintbrush, and wild rose.  How great is our God!  The third highlight was the sight of a black bear cub running on the side of the road.  I think he was in the wrong place, and mama was calling him back.  He vanished into the woods.
  We stopped briefly at Chetwynd, which is known for wood carvings.  There were some amazing carvings, all displayed along the road. Nell

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