Sunday, July 8, 2012

A sunny Sunday in Haines, AK

The view of mountains from our motel.
We woke up to a beautiful sunny day this morning, with the mountains rising above the clouds. The scenery changed every few minutes as the clouds moved around and receded. It is the first warm day of our trip!  We walked to church and sang some familiar songs:  To God Be the Glory, Create in Me a Clean Heart, and He Leadeth Me.  It was a good service of encouraging each of us to personally know God and put him first in our lives.  The Presbyterian Church was the 1st mission among the Tlingit people in 1879.  The town, Haines, was named after Sect'y of Presb. Home Missions, Mrs. F.E. Haines.
on the ferry to Haines
   Yesterday was rainy and miserable.  But we walked anyway. Visited the Bald Eagle Foundation and saw the interns feed the bald eagle. They are very stubborn birds. We learned that they prefer red meat to fish, but fish is more plentiful here.  We enjoyed a crab feast, thanks to Jim and Judy's suggestion we visit the RV camp where they stayed last year.  The ferry from Skagway to Haines on Thursday lasted about an hour and we saw many waterfalls.  Tomorrow we travel again by ferry to Juneau.

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