Friday, July 6, 2012

Skagway Adventures

In front of Visitor Center, Skagway

Actor Mo in the play.

Finding a cache brings smiles!
What an interesting day yesterday. It was a 'red' letter day for Mo.  We did let the pickup rest and we walked and walked all over town.  First, we took an hour tour with the Nat'l Park Ranger, who shared a bit of history and info on historic buildings.  Then we attended a special show about Soapy Smith, a con man during the gold rush.  Mo became a character in the play, much to his embarrassment.  But I thought it was very funny.  Later in the day, we went hiking to a lake.  I went half way and knew I didn't have the energy to climb the switchback trail.  Mo decided he wanted to try it, so we parted.  He came down sometime later, thoroughly exhausted, and realized that some hikes at his age are a bit risky.  Finally, while I was in the library going through the photos, he went geocaching and found 2 caches.  It was a good day, plus the sun did shine for part of the day.  Later this afternoon, we will take the ferry to Haines.  Goodbye Skagway.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mom and Dad!
    So glad the trip is going well! Shane would love to hear about all the caches you are finding! A fun thing to add to the trip! Just got 1' 1/2 inches of rain! Wow! And the temps are supposed to be under 100 for a few day!! What a blessing. We love you! Linda
