Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Final day in Whitehorse, YT

found cache behind this sign. Brrr!
sphere made with bicycle wheels
We woke up to 43 degrees, misty, wet, and cold.  That did not keep us inside.  With layers on, we turned the heat up in the pickup and were on our way.  Qwanlin Dun Cultural Center, Yukon Art Center, geocaching (found 2),  some walking plus supper at Tim Horton's, and the day was filled.  The sun did come out late afternoon, and it got to 56 degrees with a cool wind.  A few pictures for you to enjoy.The sphere we found in the front yard of a bicycle repair man. The weathervane plane is a DC-3 mounted at the Whitehorse airport.
largest weathervane in the world

1 comment:

  1. That bicycle wheel sphere is impressive! Brennan was at your place today and said everything looked good. It has been cool here, but now it is suppose to warm up and be in the 80's I believe into next week.
