Monday, August 20, 2012

Returning Home & Shocking News

August 20, 2012

    The last couple of days on the ferry were uneventful, with much of the time in a deep fog.  Looking back, was that a sign of what was to come?
Ship approaching a Fog bank
....almost in the Fog, and for hours
   After leaving our ship in Bellingham, we entered the driveway to a 'Welcome Home' sign followed by the sad & shocking news that our son-in-law, Scot German, was killed in a crash of their family plane on their ranch in NE earlier that morning.  Our precious daughter, Linda, was a widow at 49!  How our hearts ached for her and the German family in NE.
Grandchildren by the pond.

Relaxing in the Living Room
  We repacked our suitcase, flew to NE for the funeral, and then Linda and children flew to WA for a family time, which had been preplanned.  It was a whirlwind of activity, emotions, wonderful family interactions, along with laughter and tears.  For a week, there were 10 - 14 of us eating, playing games, seeing many of God's blessings and guidance amidst all of the tragedy.  We will miss Scot's smile, hugs, and thoughtful conversations.  Linda will be adjusting to a new reality of life without her husband and lover.  Please continue to pray for her and the children, Sara, Jilanne, Shane, Kevin and Cindy.
   This is the end of our Blog.   Mo & Nell Veenstra

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Our last stop: Ketchikan, AK

We have been on the ferry since Monday night.  We left Whittier in the rain, sunshine in Juneau, and rain and clouds again today.  On the way to Yakutat, our first stop along the way, it was sunny and there were miles of snow covered mountains that were lovely.

Sorting salmon in Yakutat
Exit Glacier
Highlights of the past few days:  Sunday:  spent time in Cooper Landing with Marge Van Kooten and friends.  Three lovely ladies, who built and manage a Senior Retirement Center complex overlooking Kenai Lake.  Worshipped at a Baptist Church and were treated to lunch at the Princess Lodge, owned by the Princess Cruise Line.  Monday: Rained again.  Took hike anyway with a ranger to the Exit Glacier.  This glacier has receded 150 ft this year.  It is still a mass of ice, exciting to see.

Yes, there is fishing in Alaska.  The photo shows the salmon that was netted near Yakutat.

Now we are nearing the end of this adventure.  After we leave Ketchikan, we will have 37 hours left on the ferry before arriving in Bellingham.  This trip has given us a deeper appreciation for the land, sea, mountains and variety of animals and people that God created.  To God be the glory!  Amen